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Free Monthly Schedule / plan by Bukvy

Monthly Planner I Organizing our everyday lives

Free Monthly Schedule / plan by Bukvy

Monthly Planner I Organizing our everyday lives

We all deserve to create space for a monthly sit-down where you make time to plan how you wish your upcoming month will evolve. It is a true gift to your future self to plan and envision. Our Month...

Elena's 30 item wardrobe

My 30 item wardrobe | by founder Elena Ekström

In a world full of things and constantly changing trends, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. We are surrounded by constant messages that we need more and more to be happy and successful. But what ...

Free Weekly Schedule / plan by Bukvy

Weekly planner I Organizing our everyday lives

Create routines to take care of your future self! Planning the week in a structured and not-too-detailed way is a great tool to get more done and reduce stress. Our free weekly planner includes all...
