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Our most loved and requested bags just launched as pre-orders!
These bags are being made at this moment in our studio outside of Porto, Portugal.
Bags made by hand just for you 
Midi Curie 3-in-1 bag / JadeMidi Curie 3-in-1 bag / Jade
Midi Curie 3-in-1 bag / Jade Sale price6 490 KR
Mini Curie 3-in-1 bag / JadeMini Curie 3-in-1 bag / Jade
Mini Curie 3-in-1 bag / Jade Sale price5 490 KR
PRE-ORDER: Midi Curie 3-in-1 bag / CacaoWoman's work bag leather
Mini Curie 3-in-1 bag / CacaoMini Curie 3-in-1 bag / Cacao
Smart workbag for women in black leather I BukvyWomans leather backpack, ethical fashion
Bo Bardi 5-in-1 + Multi-Strap / Black Sale price7 490 KR Regular price7 980 KR
Midi Curie 3-in-1 bag / BlackMidi Curie 3-in-1 bag / Black